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As students of advertising we know how much power the advertising indsutry holds. It has the power to inspire change, and to bring awarness to issues around the world. However, it is an industry that struggles with embracing diveristy. In the past few years, the indsury has seen black people and othe rpeople of colour paving the way for others like them to create a more diverese indsutry, yet there is still so much change that needs to be done. As graduates of OCAD Unniveristy's Advertising program we accept the limitatins of advertising as a medium and that protest is a legitimate means to enact change, and that is why we stand with Blck Lives Matter. 

Over the next few days we will share with you resources and tools on how you can support and educate yourself. 

We will also share with you black owned agencies and black creatives who inspire us, so that they can inspire you. 



© 2020 OCADU Advertising Graduates

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